Abducted Sonali bank manager of Ruma freed, 15L ransom paid

Abducted Sonali bank manager of Ruma freed, 15L ransom paid

Nizam Uddin, the abducted Sonali Bank manager of Ruma branch in Bandarban, has been rescued from the hostage of the Kuku-Chin National Front (KNF). Media Legal Wing of Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) confirmed the matter on Thursday evening. Nizam Uddin was freed after paying Tk15 lakh as ransom, according to his family members. Sonali Bank authorities paid the Tk15 lakh ransom in the evening demanded by KNF. The money has been handed over to a representative of the KNF in the evening before iftar. KNF Thursday demanded Tk15 lakh in ransom payment for the release of the bank official. Nizam Uddin’s wife, Nazmul Nahar, a teacher at Bandarban Cantonment Public School and College, revealed the matter to the media on Thursday morning shortly after she received a phone call from the KNF. As part of its criminal activities, the separatist group kidnapped the Sonali Bank manager on Tuesday from the Ruma branch. The incident occurred during Taraweeh prayers. The robbers also took away 14 weapons from the Ansar members guarding the bank and abducted the bank manager from the mosque on the bank premises. They carried out robberies at Sonali Bank and Krishi Bank branches in Thanchi upazila, Bandarban, on Wednesday.
Published on: 2024-04-04 16:26:06.479499 +0200 CEST