Secondary schools, colleges, madrasas in 5 dists closed on Monday

Secondary schools, colleges, madrasas in 5 dists closed on Monday

All secondary schools, colleges, madrasas, and technical educational institutions in five districts will remain closed on Monday due to the intense heatwave sweeping across the country. The districts where the educational institutions will stay shut are Dhaka, Chuadanga, Jashore, Khulna, and Rajshahi. A press release, signed by MA Khair, information and public relations officer at the Education Ministry, said this on Sunday. Consulting with the Health Ministry, and Bangladesh Meteorological Department, it has been decided that all secondary schools, colleges, madrasas, and technical educational institutions of Dhaka, Chuadanga, Jashore, Khulna, Rajshahi will remain closed on Monday due to the ongoing heatwave across the country, the press release said. However, primary schools in the five districts will remain open on the day.
Published on: 2024-04-28 18:20:32.860523 +0200 CEST